Extends EndPoint

Provides access to Cantabile's engine object for start/stop control

Access this object via the engine property.


close ()

Inherited from EndPoint: EndPoint.js:55

Closes the end point and stops listening for events.

This method no longer needs to be explicitly called as end points are now automatically closed when the last event listener is removed.

isStarted ()

Defined in Engine.js:22

Returns a promise to provide the started state of Cantabile's audio engine.

This API is only available via AJAX, and not WebSocket

open ()

Inherited from EndPoint: EndPoint.js:35

Opens this end point and starts listening for events.

This method no longer needs to be explicitly called as end points are now automatically opened when the first event listener is attached.

Use this method to keep the end point open even when no event listeners are attached.

restart ()

Defined in Engine.js:62

Restarts Cantabile's audio engine

This API is only available via AJAX, and not WebSocket

restart ()

Defined in Engine.js:75

Toggles the audio engine between started and stopped

This API is only available via AJAX, and not WebSocket

start ()

Defined in Engine.js:36

Starts Cantabile's audio engine

This API is only available via AJAX, and not WebSocket

start ()

Defined in Engine.js:49

Stops Cantabile's audio engine

This API is only available via AJAX, and not WebSocket

untilOpen () Promise

Inherited from EndPoint: EndPoint.js:137

Returns a promise that will be resolved when this end point is opened




let C = new CantabileApi();;
await C.application.untilOpen();